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There are two main families of foam on the market:

- polyether foams,

- and high resilience foams called HR (High Resilience)

The brand Bultex® is a trademark of HR foam.

The mosses



are HR foams of the commercial brand



. As a market leader in foam quality for over 30 years, it is certain that when choosing foams



you are treating yourself to the best. To illustrate the point, tell yourself that on a quality scale of 10, polyether foams are 5, HR foams between 8 and 9, and foams




The difference is more marked when choosing high densities such as 50 or 60 kilos. Note that BULTEX identifies its foams by the pink color of all their references.

BULTEX foams are always pink, if this is not the case, it is not BULTEX!


Custom foam cutting for your mattress, sofa, armchair, bench. 15 qualities of foam including the brand



. Simple or composite cutting, we produce all shapes.

Our range: 15 qualities including the brands



and Dry Feel (open cell marine foam).


Polyether foams

The density of the foam is the weight of a cubic meter of foam. For example, a cubic meter of 24 kilos of polyether foam will weigh 24 kilos. This also means that the heavier the foam, the more material there is and that the more material there is, the more resistant the foam will be over time because it will be less fragile.

Foam density and hardness are often confused. Although they are often linked, these two characteristics are very different. We have seen that density is only the weight of the foam, while the firmness of the foam is linked to its load-bearing capacity. In the foam industry, this is called KPA.

The higher the KPA, the firmer the foam. A KPA of 2 corresponds to a very soft and supple foam while a KPA of 7 is that of a very rigid foam. There are very firm 30 kilo foams and others of 45 kilos which are much softer.

Polyether foams are the entry-level foams. Often used by major brands for the sale of 1st price sofas or armchairs, they provide dry comfort and degrade more quickly than HR foams.

When you sit on a polyether foam, you sink in more or less depending on its bearing capacity and then the comfort becomes dry, that is to say not very soft. In addition, these foams return to shape less quickly (by a few hundredths of a second compared to HR).

They are often suitable for the manufacture of chair pads, benches for restaurants or brasseries. It is true that on thicknesses less than 6 cm, it is quite difficult to see the difference between polyether and HR comfort. Their advantage is the price. These are the least expensive foams which, depending on their future use, will play their role perfectly.

Do not hesitate to ask us for advice on choosing your foams.
Online quote, click here

HR (High Resilience) foams

Les mousses HR (Haute Résilience) sont des mousses de belle qualité. Très souvent utilisées pour la fabrication des malelas de literie, elles offrent une excellente résistance dans le temps. Quelque soit la fermeté que vous choisirez, les mousses HR offrent toujours un premier contact doux et une fois compressées par le poids d'un corp, elles conservent un acceuil moelleux.

Le plus souvent utilisées pour la réalisation de coussins de canapé, de fauteuils ou de banquettes, elles deviennent vite indispensable pour des coussins d'une épaisseur supérieure à 10 cm.

Petite astuce : lorsque vous avez besoin d'une mousse de 10 cm d'épaisseur, vous pouvez faire un collage de 2 qualités de mousses. Par exemple 8 cm en mousse HR 40 pour avoir un assise ferme et 2 cm de HR 26 sur la face supérieure afin d'avoir un accueil encore plus moelleux. Cela vous donnera le double avantage d'avoir une mousse d'assise de grande qualité et une mousse de couchage pas trop ferme. Si vous réalisé des coussins de grandes dimensions pour un canapé, vous apprécierez des coussins ferme ou mi ferme pour être assis en lisant un livre et également que ces mêmes coussins soient moelleux pour faire une petite sieste. Seul cet assemblage de mousse vous apportera ce double confort.

Online quote, click here

Mousse nautique DRY FEEL

mousse nautique
Dry Feel is a unique open-cell foam, commonly used in boating. This means that this foam is composed solely of open cells. Its particularity is that it does not retain water in the foam. If you spill water on this foam, it will immediately pass through it.

When making cushions with Dry Feel foam, we always make covers that have a ventilated grid bottom so that water that has been able to pass through the foam can escape. The foam does not retain water, so the cover must not retain it either.
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